Poached Pear and Thyme


If you have a bottle of Syrah or other fruity red wine like Merlot, some honey, fresh thyme and a few basil leaves then you can make this adorable wine Poached Pear and Thyme for dessert. Because it was a chilly gloomy day in Santa Barbara and we were in the mood for a little dessert we poached 6 lovely pears in a bottle of wine. After a short time the fragrant warm Syrah scent filled the air through the whole house.

The leftover pears are now resting in their wine bath until tomorrow.
We have some plans with this poached pears and will let you know all about it and share the recipe soon!


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  1. This dessert is a personal favorite of mine and you version is spot on. Color, texture and flavor just can’t be beat. I hope your weekend isoff to a great start. I am now on google+ and have a facebook fan page. I’d love to have you join me at both. Have a good day. Blessings…Mary

  2. Georgeus dessert or even main side dish,
    i’ve served this wine poached pears with pan seared goose liver…..
    nice contrast, texture and flavour
    btw, how did u keep le leaf still fresh untill served???

  3. How beautiful! I love the rosy colour that the wine imparts! I usually poach mine in Moscato with vanilla beans. Yours, with red wine and thyme, sounds lovely! Can’t go wrong with pears and wine 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your recipe! Cheers! ~Rebecca