Raspberry Mousse


May is the month for pink! Even the air smells like pink and the flowers are in bloom  with vibrant colors. In California the whole year feels like an endless summer, yet in the month of May the market is full of fresh juicy berries that are just waiting to be taken home. A few days ago at the Farmer’s Market we found fresh organic raspberries and immediately thought to make this Raspberry Mousse recipe that grandma used to make in spring and summer.

It definitely means warm weather is here and this mousse tastes heavenly when sitting outside in the garden with a warm breeze that catches the perfume of the pastel pink roses. It is best when you use fresh, and preferably organic, raspberries since they have more flavor and are just plain better for you. This tasty mousse has been Judit’s favorite for a long time and Corina has grown fond of it too on warm days. We love to make this little delight when company comes over since it is really so simple to mix together with only a few ingredients. You can make this two hours ahead of time so you will have plenty of time to enjoy the lovely weather outside.


Judit: This recipe comes from my grandmother Karolina’s Austro-Hungarian kitchen and since I was a small girl we made if often on summer afternoons. The radio would be playing the Tritsch Tratsch Polka from Strauss and we would beat the eggs with a wire whisk to the beat of the music. Back then the sun kissed raspberries were more flavorful from the Budapest market and sometimes we even got them from our country home garden.

Corina: This dessert is my mom’s favorite and no raspberries are safe in the fridge when she is around. It was not one of my favorites, but with the addition of the wine reduction I have come to like it!

All you need are Fresh Raspberries, Sugar, Eggs, Cream of Tartar, and our special Pinot Noir Wine Reduction with honey. Make sure eggs are fresh and you are not allergic to raw egg since this recipe has raw eggs whites. (The entire recipes are below)

The Pinot Noir Wine reduction is made of Pinot Noir wine and honey reduced in the similar way we did this wine reduction, but without the balsamic. Let the raspberries sit in the sauce for a bit and then set them aside on a plate to dry.

Wash those juicy fresh raspberries gently. Set them on a paper towel to dry. This recipe does not have whipping cream or gelatin so you don’t want to much moisture to end up with your egg white.

Place the berries in the bowl of a large stand mixer (or use a hand mixer if you don’t have one of those). Crack open the eggs and only add the egg white. Set aside the egg yolks and refrigerate them for another recipe. Now we have 3 egg whites with the raspberries.

Shake the coconut sugar and Stevia into the bowl. Add the cream of tartar – this will help stabilizing the egg white. Cream of tartar is also known as Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate and is a byproduct of wine making. Lock the mixer in place and place the Wire Whip attachment on the mixer.

It can splatter so our trick is to place plastic wrap over the mixer – just make sure it does not get into the mixer’s moving parts or cover any motors.  Start out mixing at a low speed for a couple seconds.

You can see the mixture has combined. Now keeping the plastic foil on, turn the mixer to high and beat for 3 minutes or until stiff peaks form.

Stiff peaks have formed! At this point you can refrigerate the mixture for up to 2 hours or serve right away. In your dessert serving cups ladle in one or two spoonfuls of wine sauce into the bottom and then spoon a or pipe the raspberry mixture on top.


Just before serving, add the raspberries that were dipped in the Pinot Noir Wine Reduction on top and garnish with mint.  You can even add a few extra raspberries.

Dessert Raspberry Mousse

Rasoberry Mousse

Judit + Corina


  • 16 oz Fresh Raspberries
  • 3 Egg Whites - room temperature
  • 1/2 cup Granulated Sweetener
  • tsp Cream of Tartar
  • ¼ cup Pinot Noir Syrup


  • Wash raspberries, set them on paper towel to dry. Reserve 12 berries for decoration.
  • To make the mousse, beat the raspberries, egg whites, Swerve, and cream of tartar in a mixer over high for about 2-3 minutes in a mixer. Beat the mixture until it forms a stiff peak if you remove the paddle. My grandmother used a copper bowl and if you have one as well you can omit the cream of tartar. Be careful with the raw eggs and make sure they are fresh and clean eggs and that you are not allergic to them.
  • Ladle one or two spoonfuls of Pinot Noir Syrup into the bottom of dessert serving cups and then spoon a or pipe the raspberry mixture on top.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Pinot Noir Syrup
1 cup Pinot Noir
5 tsp Raw Honey
In a small sauce pan over medium high heat add the wine and honey.
Reduce the wine with honey for about 10 minutes or until becomes a nice syrupy consistency. Set aside to cool completely.
Let the raspberries sit in the sauce for a while and then set them aside on a plate to dry.

Hope you enjoy this romantically pink sweet berry treat!

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    1. Thank you Paula, we are glad that you like the Raspberry Mousse! It is so simple to make and has been a family favorite as long as we can remember. Corina’s great-grandmother started the tradition of this berry mousse.

  1. says: Annie L.

    Oh this looks divine… now I’m in love with this beautiful dessert! Have all the ingridients and even some red wine for the syrup. Could I use Merlot instead of Pinot Noir?
    Thank you,

  2. says: Lucy

    I simply adore this beautiful raspberry mousse. It looks utterly delicious and I would love to have a spoon of it and it is still early morning. Those spoons are quite lovely too and rather elegant.

  3. says: A. J.

    Thanks for sharing the delicious and interesting recipe and nice story. Wrapping up the mixer looks fun. At least the kitchen won’t get more messy .

  4. says: ada

    Hi! I see your comment on my blog and run here to see you. What an amazing blog! Such wonderful photos! I had registered myself on you community: I don’t want miss no one of you recipe, reportage and reviews. And this raspberry mousse will be mine soon! Ada

  5. says: Trisha

    Looks too pretty to eat! I have not made raspberry mousse before, but can’t wait to try it and looking forward to warmer weather. Those raspberries look so good. The wine is such a good idea with the raspberries. Does it matter if I use white or brown eggs?

    1. Hi Trisha, it really doesn’t matter if you use white or brown eggs, but please make sure they are fresh healthy eggs. Judit just has always liked brown eggs for this raspberry mousse recipe.