Avocado Deviled Eggs

Avocado Deviled Eggs
We both love deviled eggs and because Easter weekend is quickly approaching we though it is high time to share our favorite recipe for Avocado Deviled Eggs with you. If you are like us, you just can’t imagine an Easter table without these traditional fancy egg bites. Ours have a little extra twist with the addition of creamy avocado to make them more flavorful and “eggstra” good for you.

This weekend Corina went to the market to pick up extra large organic eggs already for Easter, because as you know it is better to use at least 5 to 6 day old eggs if you hard-boil them. The reason being that you would have a much harder time peeling farm fresh eggs. We have been there and done that… The only problem was that there were no extra large eggs anywhere so we had to settle for large without the extra and on the end it still turned out good.

Avocado Deviled Eggs ingredients
As we were planning our menu and chatting about different flavors of many Hungarian and German Easter dishes, the memories and all that talk about food made us really hungry. One thing led to another and within a short time we had a sauce pan with boiling water and half a dozen eggs on the stove.

Flowers Deviled Eggs Judit Corina
We planed to make this recipe a little healthier (after all we do live in Central Coast of California, the land of fresh produce) and decided instead of the traditional mayonnaise – egg yolk mixture to fill the eggs with a scrumptious avocado cream.

Deviled Eggs recipe Wine
Deviled Eggs Judit Corina
We envisioned ripe avocado with a slight smoky flavor mixed with a dash of tangy Dijon mustard, creamy egg yolks that were so good with a little drizzle of lemon juice and zest so that you could just eat them with a spoon. For a little extra zing and crunch we decorated the avocado deviled eggs with fresh radishes.

Because the avocado was fairly large we ended up with a lot of extra delicious filling. What a dilemma to have!

Deviled Egg Crostini
Deviled Egg Crostini Recipe
Lucky for us we had a small fresh baguette and so we enjoyed this creamy goodness as “avocado deviled crostini.” To make Avocado Deviled Crostini simply slice a baguette into 1 inch pieces and liberally spread the deviled egg mixture on top each piece. Add thinly sliced radishes to decorate, we put two to three on each piece of bread.

Radishes Eggs Judit Corina
There are numerous techniques as to how to cook the perfect hardboiled eggs, and as we talked to chefs and experimented here is how we archive the phenomenon of a beautiful hardboiled egg.

Fill a medium saucepan with cold water and gently add the eggs in single layer. Add a tablespoon of White Wine (you can substitute vinegar for the wine – who are we kidding, we would never to that!). The acid in the vinegar or wine will keep the egg whites from leaking out in case there is a little crack in your egg. We also have a fabulous recipe which involves eggs cooked in red wine, and will share it with you soon.
Bring the water to boil and let it boil for no more than a minute. Turn the heat off and cover the saucepan.

Let it stand for 12 to 13 minutes. The burners residual heat will continue to simmer the eggs. Transfer the saucepan to the sink and strain out the water. Fill up with cold water and add a handful of ice cubes until eggs are cold. Remove eggs from water and roll each on a hard surface (like your counter) until the eggshells are cracked. Peel the eggs and make sure they are free of all shell fragments.

To make decorating easier just pipe a little filling into the top of each egg by using a pastry bag with a larger decorating tip, instead trying to fill them with a spoon. They looked so darling standing up on the plate with creamy hats like little edible porcelain eggs.

Santa Barbara Mission
Deviled Eggs Bread Eat
It’s best if you refrigerate the avocado deviled eggs for at least an hour, but you can keep them in the fridge for a few hours so you can visit the Santa Barbara Mission in the meantime. These are ideal party appetizers to make ahead then you can pour a glass of white wine like a Chardonnay or even a lighter Pinot Noir and enjoy. We had the Dreaming Tree Chardonnay, which was on special at our local grocery store, and is a buttery Central Coast California wine made by Dave Matthews from the Dave Matthews Band and Steve Reeder. Aromas of warm apple and honey greet your nose, citrus plays on your tongue, and after a few sips you are ready to listen to some music. We liked the recyclable cork and organic looking label.

Avocado Deviled Eggs

Avocado Deviled Eggs



  • 6 Large Organic Eggs – hardboiled
  • 1 Ripe Avocado – remove pit and scoop out flesh
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
  • 2 Tbsp Greek Yogurt or Sour Cream
  • 1 Meyer Lemon – safe zest for the top
  • 1 Tsp Meyer lemon Juice
  • 4 Parsley Sprigs - leaves only
  • Pinch of Salt and freshly ground Pepper
  • For garnish:
  • 12 Parsley leaves
  • 4 Radishes – thinly sliced
  • Lemon Zest


  • Cut about ¼ inch of the top of each hardboiled egg, and a small sliver on the bottom to make sure the egg stands up strait.
  • Transfer eggs to a large serving plate.
  • Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Spoon the creamy flesh into a food possessor bowl or medium glass bowl.
  • First zest the lemon and then cut in half and juice it.
  • Gently remove the egg yolks and add to the avocado.
  • Add mustard, yogurt, lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper, parsley leaves and blend until smooth. Season more with salt and pepper if need it.
  • Transfer the avocado mixture to a small pastry bag fitted with a tip. (you can also use a plastic bag by cutting a little of from one corner)
  • Carefully pipe mixture into the eggs and finish off with a circular motion on top.
  • Decorate with parsley leaves and radish slices and sprinkle with the lemon zest.
  • Cover loosely with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until you are ready to serve for at least one hour and up to 4 hours.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Wine Pairing: Dreaming Tree Chardonnay, Central Coast California. Aromas of honey and warm apple. Citrus flavors. Pair with grilled seafood, not too spicy avocado deviled eggs, or with rock music.

Avocado Deviled Eggs Gluten-Free
What is your favorite deviled egg recipe? Hope you are having a wonderful Easter week! We are busy making a Rose Petal Coconut Cake, the recipe is coming soon.judit-corina

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  1. I love deviled eggs and avocados. So this is a match for me. But even MORE than that is
    Wowzer you did a champion job of presenting them. Beautiful. Deviled eggs are always popular, but I bet these get swiped from the plate before you even get them to the serving table.

    1. Thank you Sugar et el, we do have a some cold foggy days here in between the sunshine and sometimes the Spring evenings can be cooler than our winter days. Sending warm wishes! J+C

    1. Thank you for visiting, Deepti and for the nice compliments on the recipe! The avocado also gives the filling a creamy texture and fresh flavors. Have a good week! J+C

  2. says: Maggie

    This looks lovely and delicious! I love egg dish and I love avocado. It’s wonderful to combine them together, and I can imagine how good they are pair with dry white. I’d like enjoy them with my favorite Cabernet blanc which has a sweet fragrance of honey and grass.

    1. Thank you Maggie, the Cabernet Blanc sounds like a divine combination with the creamy egg filling! Which is your favorite Cab blanc? We had these deviled eggs with a Dreaming Tree Chardonnay from the Central Coast that had citrus, apple and honey flavors. Cheers! J+C

  3. says: Sunny

    What adorable eggs! I even like the sound of “avocado deviled eggs” more than just simply “deviled eggs” and they look so festive. Have a great spring!

  4. says: Devon

    The deviled crostini is a great idea, I am thinking to try that today as an appetizer sine I’m volunteered to bring one and that is something new and interesting. Hope I can make it look nice with only parsley since I don’t have radishes for the topping. Maybe some olives would work since I have that. Those deviled eggs look good too.

    1. Crostini are a quick way to use up that extra spread so as not to waste any of the egg goodness. You can use parsley and sliced red bell pepper instead of radishes to give it a similar color combination and the bell pepper has a crunch as well. J+C

  5. says: Miranda

    Yay what a great idea for making deviled eggs more exciting! Have not thought of adding avocado before but it sure sounds good and you decorated it beautifully. Happy Holidays!

    1. We do like the creamy texture the avocado gives the deviled eggs and since avocado has essential oils it gives a little more nutrition to the dish. Have a nice week!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous deviled eggs! I really like how you’ve cut them. I’m getting ready to make deviled eggs in a bit, and for the first time in my life will cut them into cups instead of slices. And darnit, wish I had an avocado in the kitchen. 🙂

  7. says: Tanya Kent

    Those look so cute! Happy Easter! Looking forward to deviled eggs on Sunday and can’t wait to try this recipe!

  8. These have to be the prettiest deviled eggs that I’ve seen, Judit and Corinna! The radishes make them so pretty.
    And thanks for the egg cooking tips, too. I’ve never heard of only boiling for a minute and then letting them rest. Brilliant!

    1. Thank you Helen! We thought the red was a nice contrast and it gave a slight crunch to the creamy topping. There are a variety of ways to cook eggs, but with this method the water is hot enough to continue cooking the eggs while they are resting 🙂

  9. says: Juliana

    These deviled eggs look so good, I love the avocado in it…they are sure perfect for Easter…I enjoyed very much all the pictures…thank you so the inspiration. You girls rock!
    Hope you are having a wonderful week 😀

    1. Hello Juliana, thank you and hope you enjoyed the weekend too! We did make these deviled eggs again today on Easter and tried some red bell peppers instead of radishes this time.

  10. says: Cassandra

    Deviled eggs take me back to my childhood holidays with the family. I remember trying to nab a few off the plate before the guests arrive. Ours were the regular kind filled with egg yolk, mayo and mustard. What a fantastic idea to add avocado and yogurt. They look extra fancy with the radish! Happy Easter Holiday!

  11. says: Mary Frances

    Hardboiled eggs are such a great dish when you’re entertaining, I love your addition of avocado and radishes! The colors become so bright and vibrant, perfect for spring!

    1. Thank you Tandy! Actually we planed traditional deviled eggs, however the older eggs in our fridge were small and so we decided to just make them upright. And now we love them this way 🙂

  12. says: Ted L.

    These look great! How many did you eat? I don’t think I’ve tried deviled eggs with avocado but it sounds good.

  13. says: Liz

    Your deviled eggs look gorgeous!!! And now I have a radish craving…and that’s never happened before 🙂 Happy Easter!!!

  14. Deviled eggs have never looked so scrumptious! Just beautiful and perfect for Easter. They just made it onto our menu! 🙂 I love the avo cream and Dijon addition as well as the the pretty peppery radish on top. Excellent tip about the white wine in cooking hard boiled eggs. I’ve always used vinegar. Cannot wait for your next recipe cooking eggs in wine! Thank you for sharing, ladies!

    1. Thank you Stacy and so glad that this eggs are pretty enough to make your menu! A chef in Austria told us to add a little white wine to the water when cooking eggs. Sometimes the eggs absorb too much of the vinegar flavor.

  15. says: Marina

    These deviled eggs look amazing! Love your beautiful spring photos and how you made the simple eggs look so fancy. Thank you and I will make my Easter eggs upright too. Happy Easter – Marina