Weekend Bites

It is the time for Friday Favorites again and we are in an ultra October mood after going to a local Oktoberfest.

Friday Favorites Recipe: Butternut Squash Risottorisotto-shrimp-chardonnay-winedine
October is the harvest season for winter squash and butternut squash is our favorites! It is a little sweeter and creamier in texture when you bake it. Our Butternut Squash Risotto contrasts the sweetness of butternut squash with the crunchy texture of pancetta and the delicate flavors of shrimp.


Friday Favorites Event: Oktoberfestoktoberfest-dirndl-judit-corina oktoberfest-judit-pauloktoberfest-corinaIt was so exciting to get out our Dirndls (German costumes) for the Oktoberfest at the Brewhouse last weekend. With German beers, sausage, and strudel you can’t get closer to Germany in California than that. It was fun to sing along to the authentic German music from the Red Baron and we even got to twirl around for a few dances.


Favorite Glamorous Quote
“I did everything he did but backwards and in high heels.”
~Ginger Rogers, actress dancer, when asked about Fred Astaire


Favorite Treat: Bottega Louie MacronsBottega Louie Judit
We wonder if they have pumpkin flavored ones. When were at Bottega Louie the last time they had every imaginable flavor of macaron… berry, nut, mint, tea, chocolate and fruit. You name it, they have it. No wonder they line can get rather long for a taste of this delicious treat.


Favorite Fun Moment: Strudel girls at OktoberfestOktoberfest Strudel Andersens
“You like strudel, Ja?” Corina asked at the Oktoberfest. She was the strudel fairy helping Charlotte from Andersen’s Bakery and Restaurant with the strudel table at the Brewhouse. It made the Oktoberfest so much more festive having traditional pastry along with the beer and sausage and the apple strudel goes really nicely with beer. If you missed the festival you can still head over to Andersen’s on State Street for apple strudel and a variety of desserts.

What was your favorite moment this week?

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  1. says: Charlotte

    Thank you Corina and Judit for sharing a wonderful memory of our Oktoberfest together!! We definitively became the Strudel fairies for a weekend !! So much fun 🙂 and now I have an excuse to buy more dirndl colors !! Xo Charlotte Andersen

  2. says: Jennifer

    How cute! I want a dress too and join you all at the Oktoberfest. Looks like a very fun week and the risotto sounds delicious.

  3. The strudel fairy – lol – how fun! My husband was in Germany a week or so ago, just as Oktoberfest was gearing up, but sadly had too many meetings and work commitments to go have some good strudel-and-beer fun! Ah, well … maybe next time! Such cute pics – and yes, I am definitely pinning that gorgeous risotto! 😀

  4. says: Samantha

    Those dresses are so cute and what a fun time it must have been at Oktoberfest! I missed out on it this year. The risotto looks divine and very autumn favorite!

    1. It was a lot of fun, Samantha! The Brewery did do a great job by hiring an Authentic German musician who was the hearth of the party. The creamy butternut squah risotto is one of our favorite too 🙂