Weekend Bites

We are so in love with the glorious Autumn bounty at our local Farmers Market, and it is very difficult to stop buying another beautiful looking pumpkin. Happy Friday to you all Dear Friends, and we sincerely hope that this weekend you took advantage of the many seasonal produce at your local Farmers Market. Even though this week by us resembled Summer more than the middle of November, with temperatures between 70F to 80F, we were delighted to savor several exceptional healthy and low carb dishes which would be fitting for Thanksgiving. 

Weekend Bites Farmers Market Judit
Favorite Place: Santa Barbara Farmers Market
We had an exciting time at the Farmers Market looking for more pumpkins and squash. Ok Corina perhaps we have enough for the moment….


Pumpkin Soup
Favorite Weekend Bites Recipe: Pumpkin Soup
This Pumpkin Soup is not only a perfect start to a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner, we love it on any chili  or not so chili night as well. This velvety soup is made with pumpkin, butternut squash and a little Chardonnay and the best part is that it is so good for you.



Favorite Unique Bite: Sea Urchin
This week we had lunch in the alley at Santa Barbara Horbor  where the fishermen unloaded their daily catches of sea urchins. Containers upon large container have been filled from the redicilously small fisher boats to the awaitng large trucks, where the drivers took this unique delicacies to the local restaurants. There is not much to eat from these spicky creatures, actually they are filled with fresh uni, which is heavenly in sauces or fresh sushi.  Have you ever tried sea urchin?


Weekend Bites Wine: Bouchaine Estate Chardonnay 
This week we had two terrific wines we would love you to know about, because both are deserving to be part of the Holiday Season. We both love a creamy Chardonnay for heartier dishes and we are sure that you have your favorite Chardonnays too. Santa Barbara offers several spectacular Chardonnays and we will tell you about them soon, but today we thought to share one of our Napa Valley favorites with you, a Bouchaine Estate Chardonnay.


Bolla Rose Sparkling wine review
Weekend Bites Wine: Bolla Sparkling Rosé
Our other favorite wine this week is Bolla Sparkling Rosé from Vento Italy. Who would not be enchanted to taste a wine with notes of wild strawberry and creamy peach?


 What was your favorite thing this Autumn weekend?judit-corina

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  1. Good for you to have lovely weather. I heard my counterparts in Colorado had to contend with 5 inches of snow for most of the week!
    Oh yes, I would have that pumpkin soup on any given day! 😀