Parmesan Basket Recipe Video

Parmesan Basket Recipe Video

How to make Simple Easy Parmesan Baskets. This quick Parmesan Cheese Salad Bowl recipe is a great way to serve salad and makes a pretty presentation for your meal.
Hi! Corina will be showing to you how to make these darling little Parmesan Baskets. We used Parmsean and Pecorni cheese mix. We use more of the Parmesan because it melts better. The Pecorino gives deeper nutty lovely flavor.
Corina: Now I have shredded Parmesan and add Pecorino into the bowl. My pan is heating up over medium high heat and now is ready.
I take about 3 ounces, a handful of the cheese mixture and spread it out in the center of the pan.
Let it cook for a couple of minutes until the edges turn golden brown. And then with a spatula flip it over and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes.
When it is ready the with the spatula carefully lit it out and transfer to the upside down jelly jar or glass. You can use a glass cup or a bowl, but you have to be really careful because it is very HOT! With the spatula and your finger form a round little basket. So that you don’t burn your hand use a paper or dish towel and press down on top and sides. Let it cool for a few minutes.
When you basket is cold you can turn it over and serve with your favorite salad

These Parmesan baskets are perfect for a romantic date to really impress someone special. We added a little Pecorino cheese to give it a more nutty flavor. You can make these ahead a few hours or store in air tide container for a few days.
For 4 basket
8 oz Parmesan Cheese – shredded
4 oz Pecorino Cheese – shredded
You need about 3 oz for each basket

Bon Appetit!


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