Wash chicken breast and pat it dry with a kitchen towel.
Pour the oil and wine into a large ovenproof casserole dish or baking pan and sprinkle in the minced garlic.
Season the bottom side of the chicken breast with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.
Place the meat seasoned side down into the marinade and evenly season the top side as well.
Sprinkle the minced garlic over and place the lemon slices and rosemary sprigs on top. Let it rest for 30 minutes or up to 8 hours.
Bake for about 35 to 40 minutes or until the chicken breast is light golden brown. If you like the chicken to be more golden brown, then place for 2 minutes under the broiler. Please do watch closely it can burn very quickly and in addition the garlic will taste bitter.
Remove pan and cover with aluminum foil for at least 10 minutes. Serve with the delicious pan juices and a slice of lemon.